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Trail Finder


80th Street Trail 80T Trail Plan
84th Street Trail 84T M5→M9
China Creek Trail CHT J11→H14
Clubhouse Trail CLT I24→K23
Coal Creek Trail CCT A16→H29
CrossTown Trail CTT D6→O24
   West CrossTown Trail WCTT D6→K15
   East CrossTown Trail ECTT K15→O24
DeLeo Wall Trail DWT O24→R29
Eastrail EAT Trail Plan
Golf Course Trail GCT E17→I29
Gypsy Creek Trail GYT Trail Plan
Hazelwood Trail HWT G5→G7
Heritage Trail HET P18→T20
Highlands Trail HLT R17→R17
   South Highlands Trail SHLT R17→P21
   North Highlands Trail NHLT P21→R17
Hillside Trail HST Trail Plan
Horse Trail HOT H9→N10
Lake Boren Esplanade LBE G14→M15
Lake Boren Trail LBT Trail Plan
Marshall's Hill Trail MHT O24→N29
May Creek Trail MCT T5→R17
   West May Creek Trail WMCT Trail Plan
   Mid May Creek Trail MMCT T5→Q14
   East May Creek Trail EMCT Q14→R17
Meadowview Trail MVT K24→N26
Milepost Trail MPT M14→R17
Olympus Trail OLT K12→P13
Primrose Trail PRT B18→D21
Sylvan Trail SYT Trail Plan
Terrace Trail TET R17→O23
Thomas Rouse Trail TRT B17→E17
Waterline Trail WLT E12→Q14
Wildside Trail WST Trail Plan
YMCA Trail YMT D18→D18

Trail Finder Map

In the map below, the start of each trail or subtrail is marked with the acronym for that trail. The map shows existing trails that are open to the public. Nature trails are shown as green lines. Urban trails include sections of sidewalk, shown in red. Trail sections on land or easements owned by Newcastle are shown as solid lines; dashed trail sections are owned by other entities. The Olympus HOA owns part of the Olympus Trail (in a public trail easement). Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) owns parts of the Waterline Trail.